Electric bikes and electric scooters are incredible pieces of technology that take all kinds of journeys to the next level. While their thrill and utility make them awesome rides, this can also make them the target of thieves looking to make a quick buck. To help keep your eBike or eScooter safe from theft, we’re going over some easy tips to better secure your ride.
1. Store It Inside

The easiest way to keep your ride safe is to bring it inside with you. No matter where you take it, parking your eBike or eScooter outside for long periods of time increases the risk of someone trying to steal it. Meanwhile, keeping your ride in your home, a covered shed, or a garage lets you keep an eye on it, alongside keeping it safe from extreme temperatures and unfavorable weather. Our folding rides are especially handy in this regard, since their portable frames make them easy to bring inside with you.
2. Lock Your Ride as Much as Possible

If you have to keep your ride outdoors for whatever reason, then make sure to lock it up as tightly as you can. Using more and better locks always helps: the more inconvenient it is for a would-be thief to snag your eBike or eScooter, the better. Pay attention to easy-to-remove parts as well: even just a piece of your electric ride can be valuable, so it’s worth it to secure these parts as well. To help you keep your ride safe, a number of GOTRAX rides include integrated tiller locks or digital passcodes that add an extra layer of security to your eBike or eScooter.
3. Attach Your Ride to Something Sturdy

Your ride’s security relies just as much on your locks as it does what you lock it to. If your bike is attached to something that’s easy to remove or cut, then thieves can ignore your locks entirely. Make sure to attach your eBike or eScooter to something sturdy, stable, and difficult to remove to help further discourage thieves from trying to get at your electric ride. Try to avoid locations that will leave your scooter exposed to the elements as well: even if it's safe from thieves, a scooter that's been damaged by severe weather or extreme temperatures won't be safe to ride.
Overall, the less tempting of a target you can make your ride, the more secure it will be. We hope these tips will help you keep your eBike or eScooter safer when you’re not riding it. No matter where or what you ride, just remember to stay safe, follow the rules of the road, and always wear a helmet!