There are a number of reasons why riders may need to reset their electric ATV; for example, if the Rift 750 Bluetooth won't connect, resetting the ATV will allow it to pair to a new device. To reset your Rift 750 Electric ATV, follow the steps below:
- Ensure that the ATV is powered on.
- Press and release the left brake lever 15 times.
- Hold left brake lever down. While holding the lever, turn off the unit, then wait 5 seconds and turn it back on.
- While holding the brake lever down, count to 15 seconds, then release.
- Turn the ATV off, unplug the battery and flip the controller off. Then wait one minute.
- Plug the battery back in and flip the control switch on.
- Go to the app and attempt to connect a device. The ATV should now work properly.
If your ATV continues to have issues, you can reach out to our customer service here.