Rental Escooter Complaints up 500% in Dallas

Rental Escooter Complaints up 500% in Dallas - GOTRAX

Dallas, TX only recently relaunched their efforts to introduce electric scooter rideshare programs into the city. However, it has not all been smooth sailing. 600 complaints have been logged since the program restarted, a 500% increase from the original start date in 2019. The main reason it was ended in the first place was due to safety hazards, also one of the main reasons rental electric scooters were banned in Paris, France as well. Hence, the complaints will continue to come as long as there are rental electric scooters. 

Large Skyline/Landscape Photo of Dallas, Texas

Rental electric scooters in Dallas can be seen left on sidewalks or people riding on them recklessly down the sidewalk. One woman even stated they carried a small plastic bat with her when walking with her children to push her children to safety if an electric scooter came driving by. Although, not all of the updates and changes have caused these. The changes have helped reduce electric scooter related injuries, even with all the complaints. However, officials still stress practicing safety. Dr. Alan Jones with Baylor University Medical Center said, "Know the rules and follow them, wear a protective helmet and also learn to use the scooter in a safe and controlled environment before you head out into Dallas traffic."

Time will tell if this new iteration of the program will outlast its original version. It does bode well for the future of micro-mobility as it gives the electric ride share program another chance to find success. People in Dallas must not waste this second opportunity and listen to officials. Riding responsibly and treating the rental electric scooters as if it were their very own ride. People often get introduced to electric scooters through rentals and then decide to get their own. GOTRAX offers a wide range of personal escooters for people to ride where they want to and when they want to. One of the many complaints coming out of Dallas was having enough electric scooters to go around. Get a ride for yourself and whether you are in Dallas, New York or Los Angeles you can discover your city your way. 

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