We're just as excited as you are for you to start riding your new electric scooter. However, there are few things we'd like to go over with you before you begin. We'll walk you through setup, simple checks, controls, riding techniques, and more, so you'll be prepared for the very first ride on your electric scooter. Luckily, we have plenty of riding experience, so we have you covered on all the things you'll need before you set out for the first time.
1. Assembly
Your electric scooter will come 90% pre-built, so you'll have minimal work to do when you finally get your new ride. You will receive the electric scooter itself, the console, charger, manual, screws, and an Allen wrench, as well as any other tools you might need to get started.
Your scooter will likely have one of two assembly methods depending on the model. For most e-scooters, the console will already be partially connected to the tiller via a brake line which can be adjusted as needed on the brake caliper. You can find the console screws next and get the console into position. Don't forget to connect the wires extended out of the console and tiller, as this is the primary connection between the digital display/throttle and the rest of the electric scooter. If you need a better visual for this step, take a look at one of our official GOTRAX unboxings.
The process for our GX series is a little different. The GX1, GX2, and GX3 have a different handlebar set up, and the handlebars come detached from the scooter. To install them, you'll need to unscrew the four screws at the top of the tiller, set the handlebars into place, and screw them in using the screws you removed previously. Make sure the display is angled to a comfortable viewing position before you secure everything; your user's manual should have some more detailed instructions for the assembly process.
Once you have fully assembled your electric scooter, you'll need to do just a few more checks before you start hitting the throttle.
2. Double Check Everything!
While we do our best to deliver you a ride that's ready to go as soon as you have it assembled, you'll want to give your scooter a quick check in case any issues have arisen on its way to you. Most of the time, any problems that may have popped up are small, and a few quick fixes will have you ready to ride.
First, check your tires. The air-filled pneumatic tires should be at or slightly below the recommended psi, which should be listed on the sidewall of your tire; you can also find it in your user's manual. This number varies from model to model, so it’s important to check. If your tire pressure is a bit off, you can easily adjust it using an air extension hose and a regular bike pump. It is important to have your tires fully filled to avoid pinching the tire tube, which can often lead to flats.

Second, check the braking caliper, disc brake, and brake handles. You can roll your eScooter while it’s off and squeeze on the brakes to ensure they’re tight enough. You may also hear a slight squeaking noise, but you can easily adjust the brake caliper to get rid of the sound. If you ever run into any issues attempting to adjust your brakes, you can reach out to our Customer Support team for assistance.
Finally, double check the screws and bolts on your electric scooter to ensure they are properly attached. After that, you should be all set and ready to turn your electric scooter on for the first time. Don't forget to remove the plastic film protecting the LED screen so you can see your readouts properly.
3. Digital Display Controls
Your LED Digital display will give you readouts on speed, remaining battery life, headlight control, and other key pieces of riding information. For some models, before you can get to the main display screen and start riding, you’ll need to input a default digital code. This helps deter theft so robbers can't just power on your e-scooter and ride away with it. You’ll primarily control your electric scooter's functions through the power button and the buttons around it, typically labeled with a "+" or "-.” These control speed settings, display customization, or adjustments from mph to kph and vice versa.

You can see a full list of your electric scooter’s console functions in the user manual. We strongly recommend giving the manual a thorough read to keep yourself fully informed on your ride’s functions and maintenance. If you ever misplace your manual, we have digital versions that you can use.
Lastly, check your headlight and brake light. It’s important to have bright, functioning lights to ensure that you can see others and others can see you.
4. How to Kick to Start
After going through all the necessary checks, it’s time to take your first ride. For many of our e-scooters, you'll need to use a kick-to-start method to begin riding. Make sure the electric scooter is charged and functioning properly. Next, find a comfortable position to kick off from and begin pushing off like you would on a regular kick scooter. Once you reach between 2-3 mph, lightly press on the throttle. Your electric scooter will not start if you press the throttle before or while you are pushing off, so be sure to only press the throttle after you hit the minimum speed. It can be a little nerve wracking being a first time rider, but just take your time and get comfortable with your scooter. With patience, even the most novice riders can become experts. Just don't forget to wear your helmet, no matter how long or how far you’re riding.
5. After You Ride

Congratulations! You are officially a GOTRAX electric scooter rider. You've now joined over 1,000,000+ riders. After every ride, you’ll want to check over your scooter to catch any minor issues that may have popped up before they become major problems.
You want to first check for flats: even when riding in cities or in parks, there tends to be a lot of debris that can puncture a tire, so be sure you’re keeping an eye on them after every ride.
Also check your battery level and be sure to properly charge your electric scooter. Standard charge times from absolute zero range between 4-5 hours on average. When you’re charging, keep an eye on the color of the light on your charger. While your scooter is still recovering charge, the charger's light will be red. Once it turns green, your electric scooter is fully charged and ready for your next adventure. Be sure to stay aware of your scooter while it’s charging. Don’t leave it to charge unattended, don’t leave it on the charger overnight, and don’t let it keep charging after the battery is full.
We hope this guide has properly prepared you for the world of e-scooter riding. Be sure to sign up for our email list, keep an eye on our blog, and follow us on social media for the latest GOTRAX e-scooter news, sales, giveaways, and guides.
Ride Together. Ride GOTRAX!